There are two million people over the age of 90 living in Japan, an uplifting 2% of the population. Maybe they’ve discovered the Fountain of Youth. I wonder if it has anything to do with the experiences I’ve had in Japan that lead me to place it, head and shoulders, above other countries I have visited in the category of Kindness.
If pressed to share one thing to do to live a longer health span, I’d say: “Spend more time in Japan.”
Painting by Cranach 1546
THE METAPHOR: Nine journeys I’ve had to Japan. Looking back, I feel like those depicted on the left side of the painting: stressed and weary. And like those wading across the pool of the fountain of youth, by the time I leave Japan, I feel rejuvenated and that the world is the way it ought to be.
I hope you’re a little skeptical. So I’ve engineered a 10 day experiment: Patricia and I are planning a 10 day Autumn Changing of the Seasons trip to Japan November 2023. Spend 10 days in Japan as part of this experiment to see for yourself why the Japanese live a longer, happier health span.