An Invitation to my 120th Birthday Celebration.

After 39 years of teaching, my last words to my students on that final day came in the form of an invitation: "You're all invited to my 120th Birthday. Celebrate it by skiing with me." I think it was Sara who shot up her hand saying: "Wait, wait." (pausing for a quick calculation) "I'll be 77 years old!"
"Don't worry." says I, "I'll slow down for you!"

"Never limit yourself." had been an underlying lesson for my students. I realized that I'd need to engineer a comprehensive plan for myself to optimize the quality of my life to 120 and Beyond.

In order to take good care of your brain for the long game, begin by taking mindful care of your body. Read on to chart your own course for 120 and Beyond.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Masterful yet most strenuous Spin Class in my life!

On my longer health span journey I ran into George who said: 
"Thursday's spin class is extremely demanding". 

But I went anyway to see what exactly he meant.

I learned that George was not prone to exaggerate for he’d taken me to Ikumi’s Spin Class!

Never have I pushed the edge as did I today. 

Fifty minutes in, when I was about to throw in the towel...

Ikumi said: 

"You're changing your lungs, you're changing your heart,

The music pealed loud off the walls, but in a soft voice did I hear her say: 

"Thank you heart, 
thank you muscles,

  On did I spin, to the staggering end.
Now I'm more convinced that...

"The mindfulness we create today,
is the path to optimal living at 120 years and beyond,
which is of course
the mantra of this website.

You too are invited to all the festivities 
when we celebrate my 120th birthday!

Have you thanked your body today?

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